Author: Melinda


We are in the middle of demolition, plans are coming into place, and God’s direction is becoming clearer and clearer with each nail removed and pipe realigned. As we continue on this home being blessed for these young families, it is with a full heart we also remember that each room is being prepared to train up these littles and their moms in the way of the Lord. One of our greatest gifts will be to share His love with the next generation in a positive, influential, and kind way.

Being crushed for my preservation….

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
If you know me at all, you know know that I absolutely love Lysa Terkerust. This very early morning, I woke up from a dream that was a little too real, and potentially God sent. As I turn through pages of devotions, I am reminded of Lysa’s words around an “olive tree.” For the olive to be edible, “it has to go through a lengthy process that includes: washing, breaking, soaking, sometimes salting, and waiting some more. It is a lengthy process to be cured of bitterness and prepared for usefulness.” At the end, an olive must be “crushed,” but it isn’t the end for the olive… “Crushing is the way of preservation for the olive. It’s also the way to get what’s most valuable, the oil, out of the olive. Keeping this perspective is how we can be troubled on every side yet not distressed … pressed to the point of being crushed but not crushed and destroyed.” I am thankful that the Lord continues to guide me through my moments, both past and present, of being “crushed,” and reminds me when I need Him to most that He is with me in the trials, will use them for His purpose, as well as my preservation.


“Faith is the Substance of things hoped for; the Evidence of things not seen.” – Hebrews 11:1 As we work to demo and remodel the home and seek $10K by our 1st Day of Prayer, we want to share insight into our biggest expense that simply cannot be fully donated – no matter how big the heart God brings to our door. A septic system. Not a “fun” fundraising marketing goal (believe me, I struggle with this!), but an extremely necessary purchase and “must” in order to open doors in October. We are in final stages with a local business on a bid for $15k, which is a significant amount of our current budget. We are prayerful to raise this money over the next month, and ask you to pray as well! God is moving! Have a wonderful day!

July is here!

“The name of the Lord is a STRONG TOWER; The righteous run to it, and are safe.” – Proverbs 18:10

July is here! And we are underway at Elevate! As we continue to renovate and demo the lower level to create safe and warm bedrooms for our young moms and their kids come October. We have also been working on remodeling the kitchen, as well as freshening up the Living Room! A little paint can energize even the most overwhelming of days and projects! Have you donated to our $10K Frame yet? Check it out!

They break bread in their homes…

The carpet is out, and the floor is coming up thanks to a fantastic team from Knights of Columbus! Are you ready to get involved? Whether you are looking to do something with a group of friends on your own schedule to help us renovate or you are interested in raising financial support for our $10K Frame goal – we have options! We are kicking off this month focusing on our kitchen remodel and living room update! $700 raised just this week, can you help us double this by the following?

So let’s not get tired…

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good.” So very thankful for Thrivent Financial’s giving opportunity with memberships! In addition, God has lead us to a relationship with A-1, that I can’t even begin to explain. He knows our needs, He will provide, our job is to trust and never give up! Secured a required appliance for the home, per County, and looking forward to acquiring so much more – most importantly new relationships that will provide guidance and a sounding board on our new venture! Best comment of the day – “Melinda, we are going to get you a lot of great things. You know how I know? Because I have been talking to God, since we started walking together.” As it says in the last part of this verse from Galatians, “At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Amen.

Continue reading “So let’s not get tired…”

Why do you choose to believe?

“Knowing Him is a thread through every choice, every decision, every part of my existence, and I’m grateful for that… I’m far from perfect, and I don’t have all the answers, because the truth is sometimes I fall way short … Knowing my Savior is what changed everything, and it continues to do so.” – Suzie Eller, “Come to Me”

Why do you choose to believe?
To some this may seem a simple question, to others it may make you pause and think – contemplate.
For me, I was the later as I sat on my deck yesterday morning. It isn’t that I don’t 150% believe that Jesus died for me. But to truly say WHY I CHOOSE v. why I simply BELIEVE it to be true is a big question – don’t you think? To give testimony to what He has done in my life is something that seems to come more and more with ease when talking to others as I dive into opening Elevate – and I am so thankful for that. But a few years ago, to explain my choice might not have come with as much ease as it does today.
How about you? How do you explain why you choose to believe? Does it come with ease for you? Our Board of Directors will be exploring their personal testimonies on paper over the next month or so, and we are excited to share with you all why we have chosen to not only believe in Christ, but also why this mission means to much to each one of us. Continue to watch for our emails, and check out our blog!
A challenge! We would love for you to share why you choose to believe as well for inspiration! Go on our facebook today and share or leave a comment on our blog thread!
As a reminder, we have just started our $10K Board by August 11th! Have you prayed over which square you would like to give in faith? Please do so today so we can continue to close the gap on our financial need for our home!
October 1st – here we come! Thank you for prayerfully giving financially today and for prayerfully considering being one of our financial partners through a consistent, monthly donation. Just $5/month in one year could ensure a new set of sheets for one of our mom’s when she moves in that she can take with her to her forever home upon graduation.

Mother’s Tea Blessing!

“God is within her, she will not fall!” – Psalm 46:5

Our 1st Mother’s Day Tea & Expo was such a blessing to not only our Board of Directors, but also my personal family. To have over 50 people attend and support our cause was truly wonderful, and we cannot thank everyone that came enough. We raised over $2000 in a morning of fun and fellowship, but really, financial aside, the memories and relationships built truly touched my heart. My grandmas, mom, church mom, daughter and so many others a part of this journey were able to come in support of this calling. To see the support of our mission – feel the love of everyone for their families and Christ – truly meant the world. We are looking forward to next year’s annual event where we can share the stories of the young moms we are working with, and share the direct impact each woman present at our tea has on each mom’s family’s future. Thank you for your continued love and support! Thank you to Stephanie Page with Stories Foundation for your support and testimony in partnership with our new organization! I look forward to the future that God has planned!

Exciting News for Elevate!

Good evening!

I am very excited to share with you that tonight we signed our lease with Oak Haven Church! Let the prayer and projects begin full force from this day forward – and those of you that have been waiting for the time to get involved, the time is now here! To think, just over 3 years ago I emailed a small, Pray Warrior team to pray over God’s calling for my life. Since then, His mission has become clearer, and the relationships I have built have become stronger! I actually went back and read through my first email sent out at the New Year of 2016, and it was a blessing to see how many prayers have already been answered. We have a strong, 6 person Board of Directors, with a potential 7th Director in conversations. We have narrowed our vision through listening to His Call. We have a HOME! Now it is time to pray for those ready to come alongside us to renovate this home, and begin mentoring the young moms and their children this Fall that God has in mind. Will you pray for how God has called you tonight? Proverbs 31:16 was the first verse that truly propelled me forward into this ministry – meditate on it and see if it speaks to you this weekend as well to take a step forward with us.

If you have not already signed up for our Mother’s Day Tea & Expo – please do so tonight on our Events Page! Share with your friends! This will be such a fun event, and a great kick off to our next steps in opening our home in October!

Looking forward to seeing many of you on May 11th!
