Author: Melinda


God has given us the power to influence others through our daily interactions, and it begins with the words we speak. Words can empower a friend to conquer the impossible, a child to take her first step, or a grandmother to be patient just a little longer in self-quarantine.

How will we use God’s gift of words today?

pause and listen…

“Hear my voice… follow me…” Many “voices” compete for our attention every minute of every day. Our own ideas, other’s ideas… insecurities… values… social media… friends… family… Work expectations,and more. When do we have a moment to be still and listen to God in our world of busy life? Sometimes the answer may feel like “we don’t!” but Jesus calls us to tune out these other voices and distractions, make time, even if just a few minutes at the beginning of each day, and listen – sit quietly and listen. Whenever we can make a moment to truly sit and listen, His call will become clear. So pause today, and listen!!

Kindness of others…

God’s greatest desire is for us to know Him. He sent His Son… He gave us His word… and He created the whole world in a way that we can intentionally know Him better. From the sun that shines to the flowers that are trying to grow… From the small businesses finding new ways to reach the community to our many different levels of emergency responders…. in such a time as this, we all can see His invisible qualities through His creation and the kindness of others. #hisloveneverfails #faithconquersfear #othersfirst

Find rest…

“…find rest in the shadow of the Almighty…” (Psalms 91:1b)

In today’s world, rest comes from God alone. In the midst of hysteria and also real concern, we as believers need to remember to seek Him and find rest. Rest is not easy when fear takes over, or even when we are simply used to living in the world and at a mile a minute. Yet, in these moments, when this happens, we must remember to turn to Him… to Him and His perfect love, which we are promised drives out fear.

We continue to make movements to open Elevate and covet your prayers and support of not only our home, but our future moms, and simply ask you to pray for each other to find rest in Him today.

He is faithful…

The one who calls us is faithful and will do what he says he will do! Loose ends still to complete on Elevate, but interviews for our RHA are starting, as well as for the first 3 moms to live at Elevate! Occupancy inspection is complete – 1 step closer! #heisfaithful #endinghomelessness #heisstrong

Set Apart!

Thankful for family that lifts you up, makes you laugh, even when you feel your lowest or are acting your worst… the enemy tries to steal, kill, and destroy, but our Father surrounds us and fights our battles for us! Looking forward to tomorrow and all the good He will do and relationships about to form and be blessed! #setapart2020


“…make music from the heart…”  blessed to be the beneficiary of the North Suburban Concert Band yesterday! Raised over $2600 for Elevate, and created more awareness in the community! Thankful for family and friends that came out to support the event! One day closer to open!


All my life, you have been faithful…

We continue to be thankful as we continue to put final touches on Elevate’s 1st home. This cross in our entry was hand made by one of our director’s family members, and it is stunning! I continually pray for God to keep me humble rather than critical or anxious, which can sometimes be my default. As we share our journey with new hearts He has done just that. While we may feel His timeline has been long, new friends help us remember to simply feel blessed and in awe of what He has provided and the journey He continues to guide us on. He has been faithful. He has been good. All my life… and I am thankful.

Wait on the Lord

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength…” waiting on the Lord and His timing is always a challenging feat. Especially for those of us that often feel we should be doing more or could be doing more to reach an end goal. Through these words we are reminded that He is in control and he will strengthen us to make it to His finish line when we put our full trust in Him. #trustinhim #heisourstrength

He has made everything beautiful…

“He has made everything beautiful…” What a blessing to be provided a home to house young moms and their kids experiencing homelessness… to take a room that was empty, create a beautiful walk in closet (literally out of nothing) for a young mom to store clothes. Clothes she may not even have today, but will through another person’s love… to provide a warm bed… a crib for her little… a safe place. A warm place. #blessedbygod #elevatehopehouse #setapart2020