Author: Melinda


He is with us always… Long days & Long nights this week taking final steps to open in March, but so excited to share this gift of a home with the families God has planned!

This living room will soon be a place of fellowship. Study. Relaxation. Fun… I cannot wait to share what He has given us…

He qualifies the called…

“God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” (Mark Batterson) Whether He is calling young hands to beautify furniture into works of art, or friends to support our team through seemingly small acts of cleaning…all answers to His calling have allowed for continued steps forward to our home opening. God has called many to the doorstep of Elevate’s home and we are grateful for the callings each person has answered. Each act has been done with such grace… we are blessed. Now, we pray for those called to take on significant roles as we open doors – both in the home, and outside the home – to further Elevate’s vision with success.

Thankful for the hands…

“…he is before all things, and in him all things hold together…” (Colossians 1:17 ESV) Thankful for the young hands… the aged hands… the tired hands… the excited hands… and all the tireless hands that continue to come together to open Elevate in Anoka County!

His grace…

We are saved by Grace. His Grace. We are called to love others and give this same Grace to others. No matter their past. No matter their present. By loving others and giving others grace their future can be filled with His presence. The young moms and littles Elevate seeks to support will come to know His grace. His love. His peace.

Seek peace…

When we are hurt by another, to “strike back” can be a natural instinct. As a follower of Christ we are called to “seek peace and pursue it.” The leaders on our board have all experienced hurt in different ways, but are seeking peace in their stories by choosing to elevate others, and walk alongside them in their hurts. Peace is not an easy road to achieve for every story, but it is a Christ-calling, and a calling that we desire to live out and encourage for each young mom and her family we meet.


“Let all that you do be done in love.” – I Corinthians 16:14 – We are called to love and to love in all that we do. In every frustration, in every action. All things. Not an easy task. Not an action most are able to do 100%. We are human. We make mistakes. Thankfully he loves us in all things, and gives grace.

We love…

“We love because He first loved us.” (1 John‬ ‭4:19 ‭ESV)‬‬ “Everything we are, and everything we are able to do, is because of God.” (Do Not Depart) We are called to love, and show God’s love in our every action. Not to judge, not to hurt, but to be kind and show gentleness. We are human, we will make mistakes, but through Him we can be empowered to love as He loves, seek forgiveness when we misstep… and above all receive His grace, and give His grace in return.

She speaks wisdom…

Elevate is seeking a 2020 Proverbs 31 woman to open her heart to our first residents at Elevate! March is right around the corner, so if you are feeling called to join our mission in this way, reach out today!

It’s Coming Together!

It’s coming together! Lighting fixtures are being installed… curtains hung… dressers painted for subtle pops of color… bathrooms finally almost ready to go! Thankful for what God can do. Broken record…
Not my timing, but HIS!