Author: Melinda


Encourage one another… Build each other up… As an organization built to help young moms, we know all to well that we are going to need to expect the unexpected. Each young mom that comes to us will have a story. A past. She might even come to us not feeling “good enough,” since she is asking for help. BUT we will remind her that she is a Child of God. She is beautiful. She has value. She is a mom. She is a daughter. She is loved. She can begin anew. It doesn’t matter what road one has walked to get to today, it matters what road they start from here to put their family first, to make choices to better themselves and to realize that they are not alone. They are beautiful. And they are loved ❤️ #loved #encourage #buildeachotherup #endinghomelessness #COVIDcantstopGOOD

1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (NIV)


Change is not easy… especially if we are feeling lead to change a piece of ourselves. Yet, if we can do the work to start by changing the way we think, we will not only be transformed, but we will also learn to know God’s good and perfect plans for our life – even in the moments that seem less than perfect. Elevate seeks others to support young moms to walk alongside them in their dark times and show them His light just by loving and encouraging them – nothing more, nothing less. To be the light of love, rather than the light of what is “right.” Love will allow for His transformation to happen. ♥️ #love #transform #faith #bethelight #COVIDcantstopGOOD

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” Romans 12:2a (NLT)


Who do you turn to in times of trouble? Who supports you when you feel overwhelmed? Your friends? You family? What would you do if you didn’t have anyone to turn to? Elevate is seeking FAMILY ADVOCATES to be a friend to our moms… To support them and guide them in their goals and dreams as they look forward and leave their past behind them. Elevate will be their family and their support with a foundation of faith. #family #faith #COVIDcantstopGOOD


So much has been happening this week – it’s exciting, but also overwhelming at times! Prayer will keep the momentum going, and even when obstacles arise, we know that our God is bigger! We must stop doubting Him, and place our trust completely in Him. Often times, that is easier “said” than “done.”
Do you ever find it hard to pray? I do. It’s silly, but I honestly find it easier as of late to pray in a group, for a group even, than I do when I am alone. There is something about the vulnerability of truly opening up “my truth” and seeking help from the only one that can help me in my times of challenge… of need. We pray today that He continues to make the path for Elevate clear, that He continues to guide us in this journey that is completely unknown and not even close to the “picture” I had in my head when it all began. Thankfully, when you know He has a plan, and you see it continue through reaffirmation of steps along the way, you start to believe that His picture is more beautiful than any “ideal” you once held. #givemejesus #grace #hisplan #covidcantstopgood #movingforward


It’s happening! We know we will continue to learn something new each day in this 1st year of operations, but we are as ready as we believe God has planned to finally open doors! We have BEAUTIFUL rooms, an experienced Housing Advocate to provide support each day, and a place of safety and rest to open up to our 1st 3 young moms and their kiddos STARTING TODAY! Interviews are being scheduled this week, so if you have heard of anyone or know of anyone to share this opportunity with – please do so today, as space is limited! It is time for Elevate to share His love and help build confidence in 3 young moms that their past is truly the past, and their future can begin today for their family. #endinghomelessness #family #newstart #godislove #covidcantstopgood #shelter #safeplace
“Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.”

Psalms 37:24 NLT


“Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4 (CSB)
“Time” is something that few of us believe we have enough. How do you spend your’s? Does your servant heart lead you to focusing on others’ needs more than your own? Do you have a healthy balance? Sometimes it is a challenge to pray for and help others’ when your own heart is hurting, but He has called us to do just that. And oftentimes, when we do, you and the other person God had brought into your life will heal together. Who is He calling you to pray for today? Elevate is interviewing residents NOW! Pray for those He is bringing to our first home – may they feel confident in this first step towards gaining self-sufficiency. #calling #raiseyourhand #pray #endinghomelessness #supportothers


How easy is it to get caught up in our daily tasks? How easy is it to lose ourselves in what others are asking of us day in and day out? He has called each of us for a purpose – to have an impact on our world – what is he calling you to do? #iamloved #calling #childofGod #purposedriven


“Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy.” (Psalm 34:5) We are a little late to the table and are now just realizing we LOVE #Rachelhollis Our first young moms this summer are ready to raise their hand and seek help. This doesn’t mean they failed at life. It doesn’t mean that they are “less than.” It means they are whole-heartedly ready for someone to love them without conditions… Ready for someone to support them with their emotional and physical needs… with their feelings of brokenness. They are ready to put their family first starting today. They are willing to admit that they are tired of fighting. Tired of feeling alone. Ready to see if there truly is something greater than themselves and if others truly will love them and meet them where they are at. #love #community #endinghomelessness #family #Covidcantstopgood


SAFE. 4 letters. Simple. But a word that many take for granted. How do you feel safe? What makes you feel truly safe? Is it a lock on the door? Your family? Your faith? Or maybe your home that provides 4 walls of shelter from the weather… from people… Or simply protection from the outside world. Elevate was created to provide a safe fortress to those who are without a home. To provide 4 walls without unrealistic conditions – especially unsafe ones. Elevate was created to share His love and show through action that He is the one, true way to feel safe in a world of uncertainty. #safe #heismyfortress #endingyouthhomelessness #COVIDcantstopGOOD

It’s Happening!

It’s Happening! Today, Elevate’s Residential Housing Advocate arrived at our home! She was greeted by not only our Executive Director, but also several from the Oak Haven Church staff – we are blessed! Time for Year 2, and our official year of ministering to the community! We are so excited to welcome Terri to the team, and look forward to sharing her story with the community week! Pictures to come! #Godismoving #newbeginnings #tealisthenewpink #freshpaint #graceandpeace