Author: Melinda


In times of uncertainty, what I know to be TRUE about God, is far more important than what I don’t.
Sometimes, it is easy to get wrapped up in thinking I heard God say one thing, when He actually said another. As long as I listen, and believe what I know to be true about Him – everything will fall into place according to His plan. His plan, potentially not my own.
True. I know God loves me. (John 3:16)
True. He is for me, not against me. (Romans 8:31)
True. He’ll never leave me. (Hebrews 13:5)
True. His word is true. (Psalm 33:4)
True. He makes everything, and everything is His. (Ecclesiastes 11:5)
I believe, without a doubt, that He is all-knowing, and all-powerful. He is working everything for our good.

His truth

Choose to let His TRUTH steady your heart. In a world of uncertainty, allow His truth to be the only truth you hear today. Let anxiety and worry and doubt fade into the background and rest only on His promises. “For God has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.’ So we can say with confidence, ‘The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?’” Hebrews 13:5b-6 (NLT) #trust #truth #faithoverfear #bestill #endingyouthhomelessness

Give with your heart…

Give from your heart… Give cheerfully! We LOVE our Northgate church family! With moving in our first family, we wanted to be sure they had everything they would need on their first day. With just one ask, so many of you sent adorable outfits like this one! Thank you for your generosity! We have been blessed for not just these first two littles, but many more to come!! #cupoverflows #choosekindness #give #elevatehopehouse #endinghomelessness #northgatechurch

serve with your WHOLE heart…

“serve with your WHOLE heart…” (Ephesians 6:7) A HUGE THANK YOU to the youth from Constance Church for including Elevate in their “LOVE our Community” service week! From staining, to mulching, to conquering a gigantic dirt pile – these guys “served hard” for our families moving in, and acted faithfully to the Lord. #blessed #choosekindness #youthareawesome #constancefreechurch #endinghomelessness #covidcantstopgood



“maybe the hardest part of life is having the courage to try.” This little girl has been so excited for Elevate to welcome our first family! It was super important to make sure the littles moving in would feel safe and close to their mama, according to her! Maybe a little too close? We’ll let the mama decide! Some final touches of unicorns and rainbows – we are almost ready to pour love on this family! A courageous step forward in reaching out to our team for help, and now we are getting ready to help them turn the page on this new chapter in their lives! #rachelhollis #courage #faithoverfear #covidcantstopgood #endingyouthhomelessness #choosekindness


My daughter was blessed with the opportunity to go to camp for two short afternoons this week. This was her first real socialization since everything happened in March. Upon coming home, she was filled with a renewed excitement for learning and growing in her faith – at just 6 years old! So many crafts she made to show our family; so many stories to share about her experiences – and this was just from two afternoons! Our largest blessing from sending her to day camp was her desire to share with us what she learned about treasures. She reminded me, very bluntly, that she needs to share her toys and what she has with other kids that don’t have any – like the kids moving into “our Elevate Hope House.” By sharing with other kids, Jesus will have treasures for her in Heaven, and those will last forever. That’s one 6-year-old’s take! How are you able to share your rewards on this Earth? Could you consider giving today to help out families moving in this Summer? Reach out today! #treasure #heaven #choosekindness #covidcantstopgood


When does Fear creep into your life? Into your thoughts? Is it when you read or see the news? Is it when something at work goes wrong? When one of your friends or children calls your phone unexpectedly? How do you handle fear? Do you pray? Do you rely on yourself or on the Father? Faith over fear is sometimes easier to say than to actually live out – praying without ceasing can be a challenge, too. Thankfully our Father teaches us how to conquer both these methods when fear creeps in, and when we are unable to pray or rely conscientiously on our faith over our fear – He picks us up, and carries us through. #faithoverfear #prayer #love #covidcantstopgood

“So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.” Psalm 46:2 (NLT)


Are you a planner? Many of us are as we attempt to find a way to navigate this crazy, busy world that we live in each day! But what happens when your plans don’t work out? How do you feel? Does your whole world implode or do you simply shrug your shoulders and move on? Or are you somewhere in-between? God reminds us in Proverbs that we can plan and plan and plan all we want, but HIS plans will be successful -in HIS timing & in HIS way. Our challenge as planners is to learn to trust Him more and more. To not get caught up in what we think should happen, but to realize that He already knows what is going to happen, and that His plan is better and more beautiful than any plan we are struggling to execute on our own. Want to learn more about Elevate’s experience with planning and learning to rely on His plans rather than our own? Reach out today! We still don’t quite have it all figured out (who really does?!), but we have been learning a lot as we trust God more and more and are excited and blessed to have our first home and first family planned to move in. ♥️ #endinghomlessness #hisplansarenotourplans #graceandpeace #timing #prayer #covidcantstopgood

“You can make many plans, but the Lord ’s purpose will prevail.” (Proverbs 19:21)

Share Your Story

“Sharing your story is hard at first, especially if you are sharing about a broken time in your life. Not only are you exposing yourself, you are also having to relive the event in your mind.” (Stacie Taylor) Elevate is seeking women that desire to share their story with young moms. Your first interaction in sharing your walk may be scary (it’s YOUR story), but God’s got this! He gave you that story – that unique walk in faith! He has plans for this new relationship to be something beautiful. Become a Family Advocate today! #Godsgotthis #yourstorymatters #family #faithconquersfear #endinghomelessness


With so many raising their hand out communities today – how are you feeling called? Are you feeling lead to physically walk alongside someone? To give financially? To volunteer at a food shelf, or an animal rehab, or to travel and help on the other side of the world? Supporting our communities can begin in our own backyard or it can lead us to another continent. However you are being called, don’t ignore the nudge. Follow it. Listen. And remember that it is not about WHAT you give, it is simply THAT you give. Simply acknowledging that there are young moms raising their hands for help… littles ready to be loved on by you today… Acknowledge, and act – in however you feel called. #raiseyourhand #community #endinghomelessness #give #love #COVIDcantstopGOOD
“Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.’” Acts 3:6a (NIV)