Author: Melinda

Thank you Blaine, Minnesota!

Thank you Blaine, Minnesota for coming out to see us this weekend at the Blaine Festival Craft Show! We had such a fun time meeting your families, sharing about our mission, and of course, bringing a little sparkle to your life! If you didn’t get a chance to say ‘hi,” but would  like to learn more on how you can get involved in ending homelessness for young moms and their children in our community – contact us using the link in the comments! We will see you next in Andover in July!

@blainefestival @elevatehopehouse_

#blainemn #endinghomelessness #singlemoms #diy #Godisgood #craftingismylife #summervibes #mondaymood #joy #sunsup #Godiswithinhershewillnotfail❤️

We love our volunteers

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret MeadElevate Hope House cannot express enough the thanks our team has for our volunteers that show up month after month and build relationships and support with our moms and their children.This past weekend we celebrated two of our littles’ birthdays. For our families, holidays are tough. Holidays and birthdays are most commonly celebrated with family. Overall, our moms are separated from their families, so when talks of birthday plans come around, it can be a sad and disheartening time of the year for them.And yet, this year was different. This year, while there may have been some sadness building up to the weekend, the day of our volunteers were AMAZING! They showed up with gifts and love and praise and celebration for these littles and these moms and the amazing things each of them are doing by creating this new chapter for the future of their families.Thank you volunteers! You guys are unbelievable and truly live the hands and feet of Jesus with our families by showing such unconditional love each and every day.#birthday#celebration#partytime#family#unconditionallove#endinghomelessness#celebrate#volunteer#margaretmead#takesavillage#commitment

Do not be afraid

Do not be afraid.This phrase is written throughout the pages of scripture numerous times – especially around the time of Jesus’ birth.Mary, a young teenage girl, was told to not be afraid. Unmarried, in a relationship, now pregnant – do not be afraid. Many of our moms, including our founder, faced an unplanned pregnancy. Fear, sadness, frustration, shame, disappointment, doubt, anger – these are just some of the emotions one would expect when news of an unplanned pregnancy is revealed.Yet Mary placed her whole confidence in the Lord. Did Mary understand everything God was doing? Unlikely. Or resent what He was doing? It doesn’t seem like it. Did she think others would judge her? There was probably no doubt in her mind that this would happen.And yet, Mary set her heart to God’s calling for her life, and the life of her unborn son. Uncertainty didn’t impact her confidence in the plans He had for her, nor her trust in Him to take care of her. The unknown was great, but Mary knew her God was greater.Our families have lived challenging lives. They have stories of sadness, of hurt, of fear, of disappointment, of abandonment, of uncertainty, and more. And yet, when they were faced with an unplanned pregnancy – before even knowing God had Elevate Hope House planned for their future – they chose life. And then they chose to come to Elevate Hope House – a place of unknown, but also a place of hope and support and potential for a fresh start. A safe place to make a change for their lives and the lives of their littles.This Christmas, cling to the hope that Mary so easily clung to in such an uncertain time of wonder and calling. Trust in His plan for you. Trust in His love for all of His children, and embrace the next steps He has for your life this Christmas.#Christmas#hope#love#tistheseason#hopeoftheworld#trustinHim#endinghomelessness#intotheunknown#calling#pray#futureisbright

Narrow as the road

When the road seems narrow, when the choices seem difficult – follow the Holy Spirit. Listen to His voice. He is calling you – maybe not on the easy path, but on the path He has for you. That He will walk with you each day.

The moms that move into Elevate make a choice. They can continue on the path they are on, or they can choose to try something new. To trust people they don’t even know to support them and care about them and help them learn self-sufficiency. Even a path with Elevate isn’t easy – sometimes our moms feel like giving up – but in these moments we turn to our faith and we encourage and challenge them to reflect on all they have accomplished in the last year, and all they aspire to accomplish before they leave our home.

Some came to us not knowing about healthy meals, or what a bedtime routine could look like… Or even believing God was ever there for them I. Their darkest days. Now, they slowly see Him – or at least are willing to recognize Him in their journey and allow us to pray for them and encourage them and love them in their moments of pain as well as their moments of joy.

His Spirit is leading each day in the lives of our moms and their kids, and we are blessed to have the opportunity to walk this path with them each day.

sunday #sundaymorning #faith #iamavailable #elevationworship #ihearyoucall #holyspirit #takesavillage #endinghomelessness #faithoverfear

Embracing Crafting in Andover…

Thank you to all that stopped by the Craft Fair at the Andover Courtyards this weekend! We had SO MUCH fun meeting each and every one of you and explaining Elevate’s mission as well as our vision for Grace Marie’s and how we desire to work with families in the community! It would not have been possible without our amazing team that dedicated late nights of prep in addition to their day job and gave up their Saturdays to connect – so thankful! This was our shortest craft fair yet (we’ve only done a few, but still…) and yet we sold and connected with more people than even the last one! In fact, our Founder Melinda is finding she might just be a crafter in getting back to her “sales roots” as we are now having AMAZING and SUPPORTIVE repeat customers! God is good! #shop local #endinghomelessness #smallbusiness #faithoverfear #shewillnotfall #untilnexttime

Whole heart

“I will thank you with my whole heart…” Fall reminds us of Thanksgiving and the importance of not only bringing our requests to Him, but also our praise and thanksgiving. What are you thankful for today? Have you brought it to His feet? At Elevate we experience times of hardship and times of thanksgiving, it is in the tough times we work to remind ourselves of amazing moments we see God at work – like the event this weekend with such a humbling response from the community. #thankful #praise #fallharvest #endinghomelessness

October 9th, 2021 #blessed

We had such an AMAZING time this past Saturday with our community raising support and awareness for Elevate’s mission to end homelessness for young moms and their children in our community! Over 200 people came out to join in the fun – such an incredible blessing. The BBQ was delicious, the tournament was full of laughter & competitive fun, and the bouncey houses never stopped moving until dark! We are now one step closer to pursuing our 2nd home thanks to your generosity & support! Thanks again to everyone who came out! See you next Fall at Willow Tree! 

Remember, Elevate’s current home is only able to serve 3 moms at a time. And while we are incredibly blessed to serve these amazing moms who have take a step towards self-sufficiency in working our program, we are still turning down moms each week. In fact, we had to say “no” to 3 moms seeking housing and programming just last week in the days leading up to our event. We are full and need a 2nd property – how can you help? Connect with us today!

3 letters…

“In this world we will have trouble, but…” Three little letters following a comma that allow for Jesus to provide hope in just one sentence. Yes, we will face trouble, whether it be illness, or depression, or job loss… BUT we are called to “take heart” and remember that He has overcome the world. Any hardship we face is not too big for God. Any defeat we may be facing is not too big for God. As Elevate enters its 2nd year of operations, we remind ourselves and our moms each day that the 3 letters following the comma allow for strength on a day that feels like utter defeat… the same 3 letters can instill energy when all one feels is weak. The 5 words after? Pure affirmation. “He has overcome the world.” #winning #heisstrong #john1633 #faithoverfear #morethanconquerors

One year already….

To say this has been a busy Summer for many of us is an understatement! Elevate has felt no exception to the busy life either! In fact, we have felt so busy as of late – preparing for our next event on October 9th, talking to the community about opening a 2nd home, recruiting and engaging servant-hearted volunteers, supporting and encouraging our families in their goal plans alongside their Advocates, and even working slowly to get our small business off the ground – that Elevate staff took pause to reflect this weekend on what God has done in the already full year we have been open. Just over a year ago, on July 24th, 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, Elevate opened the doors of its 1st home to its 1st family. 

The teal, front door still smelled of fresh paint, the deck recently stained by the loving hands of youth during a service week, and each bed made with fresh linens, and a special handmade quilt by women of God from one of our local church partners. We believed in what God called us to do – to love the moms He was sending us unconditionally, but we had no idea what the next year would bring for Elevate.

“You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” (Proverbs 19:21) This verse couldn’t be truer for Elevate. We made plans, business plans, staffing plans, leadership plans, and then we went through changes as most organizations do – all the while, God carried us through and what He had in store continued to amaze all of us. In no time at all, before leaves even began to change color, we had a full house of families.

Our team knows these families have experienced trauma. We don’t often know more than their surface stories – what they are willing to share at intake, or when they move in – but God works in amazing ways. 

He brings the best volunteers to meet the needs of each family’s heart… 

He brings leaders and staff with skills and gifts that He personally gave them to continue forward His mission for Elevate in new and exciting ways…

He gives all that work with Elevate (truly all that believe in Him) grace & peace to walk through every trial in His love…

The song Waymaker states it best, “Even when I don’t see it, you’re moving… Even when I don’t feel it, you’re moving… You never stop.” He never stops moving in the hearts of Elevate – the families, the volunteers, the staff, the leadership, the prayer warriors, and the supporters. We are so excited to see what this next year of operations brings, and we will work hard to trust and give it all to Him for His glory. 

Today, three families are walking through their goal plans day by day to become self-sufficient when they leave our 1st home. Each day, we see the families at Elevate growing closer to Him in their own time and in their own way of learning to trust in someone they never thought they could fully trust in before now. 

Our dream? To multiply the mission of Elevate to reach more families in crisis and show each of them His unconditional love. We turn down referrals every other week as of late, as the opportunity continues to become greater and greater since the Pandemic. This calling is a blessing to all that work with Elevate, and we ask for continued support, continued prayer, and continued blessings for this chapter, as well as the next.

A note from Melinda…

I wanted to personally take a moment to thank you all for attending Elevate’s Garden Partea Event. We are overwhelmed by the love and support that each of you displayed this past Saturday. We were so blessed by Ginny Owen’s graciously agreeing to fly out to Minnesota to sing for us, and encourage us, and could not have asked for better weather to fellowship with one another outside!
All of you are the first to learn about our Square Foot Campaign to open our next home, and each of you responded in a way that has blessed us so incredibly much this week. Concert and fabulous merch sales aside – your generosity produced over $15,000 towards our next home – there are no words!
In addition, we are so thankful to Northgate Church for hosting our event on the lawn – it was such a wonderfully unique opportunity, and we prayerfully look forward to this event and partnership again next year!
Allison of Allison’s Petite Pastries was such a joy – if you have not check out her website yet, please do so today! Her heart is wonderful, as she didn’t just deliver our order, but stayed and ensured your 3-tier stands were full and everyone enjoyed their food!
We are so blessed as well by our Marketing & Social Media Intern Kaylee and Residential Housing Advocate Carmen. Both were invited to volunteer in the morning, and then stay to enjoy the event, but both worked the event in its entirety. Servant hearts like the ones these ladies have give me hope and excitement for the future of Elevate as we continue to grow and expand in the years to come.
Many new faces have been added to our lovely leadership team pictured here. I am beyond blessed by the fresh perspectives, new connections, and fantastic hearts that have joined our leadership team with the passion to raise Elevate’s awareness this year, and open our next home to meet the community need.. Learn more about each of them on our website.
Many of you have expressed interest in becoming a Volunteer, a Monthly Financial Partner, or even your willingness to connect us with a Corporate Monthly Sponsor – thank you so much! If you didn’t check the box this weekend, but are prayerfully interested at this time, please reach out to me personally – I would love to connect with you further.
Thank you again for supporting us this weekend as we begin our Square Foot Campaign. The Garden Partea was exactly how I imagined it, and I am grateful beyond words. I look forward to sharing updates with you all as we continue forward.
If you have not already started following Elevateor Grace Marie’s Parteas, please do so today and share with your friends and family! Also, our updates are sent by – please add this to your contacts so you can receive our movements towards the 2nd home you started to build with us this past weekend.



Melinda McDermott

Founder/Executive Director

Elevate Hope House & Grace Marie’s Parteas